
MUSIC NEWS: The Lunar Year Release New Single ‘Medicine’

Photo Credit: Jan Iveta

The Lunar Year have released their new single Medicine. The duo comprised of The Vamps’ Connor Ball and Cheat Codes’ Sasa Macek have shared the follow-up to their debut single Back For More which was released last month. 

“Medicine is a song that mainly revolves around the idea of coping mechanisms. The lyric ‘I worry about me dying young but that don’t stop the alcohol running through my blood’ really sums up the song. I feel like personally I still do the things that I know make me feel bad – in the long run – for that temporary fix and writing this song was a cathartic process for me. Getting it down on paper then into a song is always an emotional release – I love that songwriting can be this kind of escapism,” explains Ball.

Produced by Matt Malpass and released via M3 Records (a collaboration between Matt Pinfield, Malpass and Matt Holmes), Malpass says: “I felt an immediate connection to Medicine when Connor first showed me the demo. He was able to articulate a state of mind that I’ve found myself wrestling with in the past. It’s the perfect burst of happy sadness. We dove in and I felt like I was doing reconstructive surgery on my own brain as we put the pieces of this song together. I love how this one turned out!”

Check out the track below.

Medicine is out now and available to stream or download HERE.

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