
VIDEO NEWS: Ocean Grove Release ‘SEX DOPE GOLD’ Music Video

Photo Credit: Michelle Grace Hunder

Ocean Grove have released a video for their new single SEX DOPE GOLD, taken from their forthcoming third album Up In The Air Forever.

“Contrary to the abundant messaging we unconsciously receive daily through pop culture, television and advertising to embrace and satisfy our sensory urges, ‘SEX DOPE GOLD’ is the antithesis to this “norm”,” explain the band. “This song speaks of the trap we sometimes fall into in the material world: insatiable material consumption, addiction to sensory gratification and the inflation of the false ego. Ultimately, these temporary and reactionary experiences are merely an illusory escape route from the uncomfortable and unknown. If the ending of Scarface tells us anything, it is that the pursuit for sex, money and power may not turn out the way we’d hope and that it’s a vacuous pursuit. Let your ears be your eye and see your world’s truth on a platter.”

Up In The Air Forever is set for release on 22nd April via UNFD and is available to pre-order HERE

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