
MUSIC NEWS: Banks Arcade Release New Single ‘Chosen’

Photo Credit: Michelle Grace Hunder

Banks Arcade have released their new single Chosen.

“As someone who has competed in MMA, I wanted to capture the feeling you get as you are walking out to fight someone in a cage. The mixture of fear, “holy F*** this is so cool”, and the calm resolve in the face of adversity,” comments vocalist Joshua O’Donnell. “I live for these moments. When everything you have anticipated and visualised thousands of times is actually happening and you are completely present in a reality that feels exactly like a movie. There can be chaos all around you, but when your breath slows and you find peace amidst it and think ‘F*** the world I’ve got this’ Nothing beats that.”

The track has been chosen as the theme song for the Rainbow Six Siege Oceanic Nationals 2022 which sees eight of the best Rainbow Six Siege teams from Australia and New Zealand complete for the grand prize. 

O’Donnell adds regarding their jump into the gaming world: “It’s so cool to work on a project like this cause it forces you to think outside the box when you are creating something for a specific purpose. Harlan (Allen-Jone, bass) and James (Feekes, drums) are avid gamers and if Harlan wasn’t doing music he’d be trying to do it professionally. They both played Ubisoft games growing up so it’s really exciting to be able to collaborate with them!”

Like what you hear? Chosen is available to stream or download HERE.

Banks Arcade will be performing at The Great Escape in Brighton and Download Festival later this year.

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