
FESTIVAL NEWS: Teddy Rocks Festival Announce 2024 Fundraising Total

Teddy Rocks Festival have announced the fundraising total for their 2024 event. The eleventh edition of the festival broke their past records and raised £145,269 going towards the fight against Cancer in Children.

“It’s fair to say that Teddy Rocks Festival has been a journey since its beginnings back in 2011 in the back room of The Greyhound Pub in Blandford.   We have always known what the festival is capable of and we have worked so hard over the last 13 years to get to this point.  2024 is a huge milestone in the history of Teddy Rocks Festival,” comments festival organiser Tom Newton.

“We are thrilled to be raising the funds that we always knew we were capable of and since moving to the new format of booking tributes and other favourites,  we are beyond excited to see what the future holds.  We are already seeing record breaking numbers of tickets being booked for 2025 and truly believe that this is just the start of things to come!  A huge thank you to the crew, all our volunteers, all of our sponsors, suppliers and artists.  We are incredibly proud of the festival and we know how important these funds are having first hand experience of losing my little brother Ted.  Teddy Rocks has a really important job to do, it’s more than just a festival.”

All of the festivals profits goes directly towards charity which support children with cancer and research. This year the funds raised will be going towards Teddy20Bone Cancer Research TrustYoung Lives vs CancerGeorge’s Rock Stars and Alfie’s Wish.

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