Live Reviews

LIVE REVIEW: Billy Talent, SNAYX, Albert Hall, Manchester, 21/06/2024

Photo Credit:  Maryleen Guevara 

Canadian rockers Billy Talent made a rare trip across the Atlantic to perform an intimate set of headline shows across the UK. Despite having released six studio albums, the latest being 2022’s Crisis of Filth, and multiple live and anniversary editions, it has been far from straightforward for Billy Talent over the years. Drummer Aaron Solowoniuk has endured a long-standing battle with multiple sclerosis, which has made recording and touring a difficult task at times. Despite this, they are best known for their brand of energetic punk rock. The four piece continued their tour at Manchester’s Albert Hall to a sell out crowd.

Support was in the form of alternative rock trio SNAYX. Formed in 2019, they have supported some genuinely exciting acts; Kid Kapichi and Nova Twins to name a few. During this time SNAYX have been building a reputation for unruly and raucous performances and we at Bring The Noise hoped tonight would be no exception. The first thing to note was the boundless charisma and energy from the front man, Charlie Herridge, bounding left to right in full Adidas clobber, as he wildly spat out the lyrics of Concrete. The venue is exceptionally busy early on in proceedings and the atmosphere buzzing with adrenaline. Herridge addresses the hyped up crowd, “Thank you Manchester, this next song goes out to the boys in blue” a song entirely about violence on the streets and the police taking a back seat. Well done you/ the streets are not safer/ you could have saved her/ the lyrics ring out across the venue. Passion, confidence and charisma just ooze from this band. None more so then the bassist and lead singer, while Lainey keeps time thrashing out those infectious rhythms. Right then…” exclaims the bands lead vocalist “in less than 2 weeks there’s a general election I think”. Before launching into Work, which delivers a mixed response from the crowd. 

As SNAYX begin the last song of the evening, FAYX, they address the crowd one last time before there departure off stage. “Thank you so much, have a great fucking night, see you in October, yeah!”, when SNAYX play a handful of headline shows at intimate venues around the country.

The buzz and anticipation inside the venue only builds in the 30 minute down time before Billy Talent appear. Many of the crowd here use the time to get refreshed and assume there positions for the arrival of the main act.. As the intimate venue is plunged into darkness, the volume erupts as Billy Talent arrive on stage and launch into Devil In a Midnight Mass. The crowd need no time to oblige and are screaming every word from the start.

Adorned by a curtain backdrop of a Gothic looking skull with a band name hard to miss, lead vocalist Benjamin Kowalewicz screams “Good evening Manchester” which raises the noise levels even higher inside the venue. It’s clear tonight that Kowalewicz doesn’t need to sing due to the crowd screaming every word consistently. No more so then on This Suffering which officially starts the pit. The recently purchased drinks don’t last long before being launched into the air, or at least we think it was beer! 

Continuing to bounce around the stage with enthusiasm and now drenched in sweat, Kowalewicz exclaims “We are Billy Talent from Mississauga, Ontario. Canada”. then with full throttle begins Afraid of Heights. The passion and enthusiasm from Billy Talent on stage is matched fully by the crowd and those in the ever expanding pit. Performance levels tonight are note perfect and it’s easy to tell why Billy Talent have been a mainstay in the industry for so long with such tight performances. We couldn’t come to Manchester for all the reasons”, perhaps referring to the long standing battles that their drummer has faced in recent years.. The pit continues to expand and get more ferocious during every passing song and River Below is exception.

Obviously a special song to Billy Talent, they take the tone down slightly on Nothing to Lose. Whilst still bouncing around the stage with the energy that has made them so popular. However, Benjamin looks visibly tired after Nothing to Lose. Even Billy Talent’s most recent material from the 2022 album Crisis of Faith gets a good reaction. Let’s go back to the very very beginning and rewind”, Kowalewicz and co then play the first chords of Try Honesty which evokes a massive reaction from the crowd.

A story then begins about the $15 shirt Benjamin is  wearing from eBay. He thought it was a cool shirt but now he is regretting that because he can’t breathe and the shirts glued to him. We’re sure that’s the case for the majority of people here too. Introductions were made for the rest of the band over the bass and drum beats of Suprise Suprise and Devil on My Shoulder which the crowd loved.  Still pacing around the stage with the up most enthusiasm a good hour into the set, Kowalewicz explains, “We’ve got about that much more” (spans hands narrowly) to a chorus of booing. Before launching into Reckless Paradise. The highlights of the evening undoubtedly were Red Flag and final song Fallen Leaves which brought a close to a night filled with energy, passion and copious amounts of sweat.

A high octane night from start to finish which was enjoyed by band and audience alike.


Written by: Ben Gilligan