

Before Ari Abdul’s headline set at The Garage in Glasgow we caught up with the New York singer-songwriter to discuss all things music and how the last two years have catapulted her to fame.

Can you introduce us to yourself and your music?

Sure. I am Ari Abdul and am here in Glasgow, Scotland for the first time ever which is amazing to me that I get to do this. I started making music two years ago and I never really expected anything to come of it but I get to play shows in places like here so that’s super exciting.

Everyone in the music industry is there because they love it. When did you first fall in love with music?

Even though I only started making music two years ago I have always been a massive fan. My mum was always playing music when I was young and that was obviously an influence on me.

The release of the song BABYDOLL helped bring you early success, how did you cope with the pressures surrounding this?

It was so odd for me because at the time I was still studying at school and I wasn’t really thinking that anything would come of it. It started as something I did as fun with my closest friend and the song just blew up overnight on TikTok. It was super scary but also enjoyable, it was just amazing to do something successful off the bat at such a young age. I am just super grateful that it happened to me.

How did you enjoy the opening night of the UK tour at the Deaf Institute in Manchester last night?

It blows my mind just seeing the audience in real life, I do get a little stage fright thinking this can’t be real but I thoroughly enjoyed the first night of the tour and am also excited to play Glasgow tonight, I have heard that you guys create a special atmosphere.

Your videos always seem to have lots of blood and guts in them, is this closely connected to the style of music that you make?

I was born and raised in New York which is definitely more gritty and darker so on a soundscape sense I have always unintentionally made the music a bit darker and after the music came together I played with those concepts more to see how I could lyrically and visually incorporate that. I think that there is a shock factor this is really cool just to throw in.

What bands do you listen to and did any have an influence on your style of music?

One of my all-time favourite bands is The 1975 but I was also into the music between 2013 and 2015, bands such as the Arctic Monkeys and The Neighbourhood were my thing.

What genre would you say your music fits into?

That is a hard question to answer. I started out with the intention to make alternative music but there are also elements of pop and rap in my music, rock bands such as Deftones are also an influence. I have heard my music described as dark-pop or dark alternative.

Was there a particular message that you wanted to send with your latest release Girls On The Internet, what’s the background to the song?

The biggest thing for me when I write any music is to give it multiple meanings, that particular song I wrote about wanting to be enough for someone.

What is your writing process for a new song?

I always come in with a very broad concept idea of where I want to go. For example about feeling alone, a very broad topic that everyone experiences. It either makes you feel really down or you cope with it. It’s always the idea then we build up the song musically, then the lyrics come naturally.

Where in the world have you played live and said ‘this is my place’?

This is like choosing a favourite child! I have loved every single show that I have ever done, I fell in love with Germany last year, it reminded me a lot of New York.

You have already achieved a lot in the music industry. Do you still have goals and ambitions for the future?

I am always playing it by ear but I want to build out a world with a specific sound. I just feel so lucky that two years ago I got a big break.

What’s next for Ari Abdul, any new music in the near future?

I am constantly writing music and right now I have over 40 demo tracks, which is more a process of which one of those songs are coming out next. I could write a song on my phone right now but in a few months time could decide that I don’t like it. The amount of music that I have I could release two albums, I have such a clean slate that I don’t want to rush into an album though.

Interview by: Alan Brown

Tags : Ari Abdul
Alan Brown

Alan Brown

Fan of most genres of music
Enjoy live music, festivals and pushing my musical boundaries!