

Following their recent performance at 2000trees, we spoke to Bristol collective Knives about their latest EP What We See In Their Eyes and what inspires them. 

Hi Knives, last week you played 2000trees. How was it for you?

The experience as a whole was pretty unreal. When we started the band 2000Trees was like the ultimate goal as we never thought we could better that. To be able to do it two years into being a band is an unbelievable achievement for us and something we will remember for the rest of our lives as our first big festival appearance. Also massive shout out to the organisers as it was all run so smoothly and the staff were always on hand to help us out.

Can you sum up your sound in five words for people who may not know you?

Music for short attention spans.

You released What We See In Their Eyes earlier this year. Can you tell us more about the EP recording?

It’s kind of weird as we’ve been sat on these songs for so long now as they were written so long ago. They were recorded in the summer of 2023 and we spent a long time just making sure they were ready for release. It’s also nice that it seems like there’s some real fan favourite on this record such as doppelgänger and Headcase. We’re all very proud of the record but we can’t wait for the future as well.

The release features Happiness and Sadness, but what brings you happiness?

Playing shows, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. We’re very lucky we get to travel to so many cool places as a band and experience so many different ways of life.

Your live shows have gained you a brilliant reputation on the live circuit, what have been your standout shows to date?

I think the two that we always say have been the best or done the most for us would be our first headline in Paris and the last Bristol headline at Strange Brew. Paris is like home for us as a band and that’s all because of that first show. Bristol actually is our home and it was crazy being able to sell out a venue the size of strange brew just as a little local band! Also obviously playing the Axiom stage at trees last week and it being packed out at 11:30 in the morning was pretty surreal.

Who inspires you musically? Do you find this is reflected in your sound?

So many people inspire us musically I think it’s hard to say it reflects in our sound massively but you can hear aspects from loads of genres in our music. If we had to name some names I’d say some of the biggest ones are Rage Against The Machine, The Armed and Turnstile. 

What’s your ultimate festival anthem? The one guaranteed to get you belting it along and feeling like you’re back in a field.

What once was by Her’s! If you want a guaranteed way to make Knives sing this would be the song that gets us all.

If money was no object, who would be on your dream festival line-up? They can be dead or alive and you can play on the bill too.

Beyoncé, Kate Bush, Dua Lipa, Converge, Paledusk, Denzel Curry, MF DOOM and Joe Hisaichi. Knives wouldn’t play we wouldn’t want to miss anyone’s set!

What is the rest of 2024 looking like for Knives?

Lots of touring! Festivals and headlines in new + old places. Reuniting with friends over Europe and making new ones. Also we can’t forget our UK shows with DZ Deathrays in October which we can’t wait for and hey maybe there’s even some more music to come out this year. What I can say is we will be bringing the glitter!

Interview By: Nicola Craig

See Knives live at the following dates:
September 2024
Thu 5th – ARLON – Entrepot
Sat 7th – LANDGRAAF – Bunkerpop Festival
They will also be supporting DZ DEATHRAYS across their Black Rat 10th anniversary tour, find out all the dates and details HERE.
Tags : Knives
Nicola Craig
Head of Live with an unwavering love for the seaside, live music and writing about others instead of myself. Twitter: @nicolalalalar