Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: distraction4ever – Business Core

French-Canadian post-punk outfit distraction4ever release their latest offering Business Core. Originating from the vibrant underground scene in Montreal, the duo have picked up a niche sound since their inception in 2022. A sound only added to by the impressive linguistic skills they use throughout the album, switching between English and French.

Business Core is a substantial album by today’s standards, 16 tracks no less. Beginning with pre-released single You’re An Actor, a thunderous, demanding wall of noise is present from the off. The playful drum beats and vocals dominate the track with the aid of spikey synthesisers adding the sprightly feel of the track.

Continuing the punk theme, next offering Belong commences at speed and continues until the end of the two minutes and five seconds. Although short, the track maintains the raw and untamed feel of the record so far. 

Entering the depths of the record, tracks such as Dopamine, Human Rent and A Brick On My Head offer perspectives on political and social pressures that people often face. All while maintaining the lively punk feel that has been present throughout the record. 

The duo explained the intentions behind Business Core, saying; Dissociation is a recurring theme, reflecting how many feel disconnected from their own lives, endlessly chasing money without ever finding true meaning or lasting satisfaction”.

The message distraction4ever convey, weaved in between punk-inspired riffs and rhythms, will be relatable to many. 

As Business Core enters its final stages, the tracks Pig – which offers an in-your-face breakbeat style anthem – and Sa7 continue the melting pot of unusual sounds that define the album. And, finally, I Want To Loose My Mind, which among synthesisers and the punk rhythms that have been ever-present throughout, is a powerful ode to the pressures of modern day life.

An album of high velocity and pace from the outset, with a strong message of defiance attached. Business Core is engaging, with a melting pot of differing sounds and languages throughout.


Standout Tracks: You’re An Actor, Pig, I Want To Loose My Mind 

For Fans Of: Future Nobodies, Camp Blu, NORA

Written by: Ben Gilligan