
Music Reviews


The 'Paranoia' EP set the bar pretty high when it was released last year, but 'SUCKERPUNCH' will definitely live up to those expectations. Though some songs are easily outshined by others, this is a more than solid effort, especially for a debut album, and the soul that Maggie Lindemann has put into the making of this record is impossible to ignore.
Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Dear Seattle – Someday

As summer nights fade into cosy autumn days, so does our desire for summer anthems. Instead of vivacious tunes to cheers tinnies in the park to, we crave mellowed nostalgic playlists we can sip Pumpkin Spiced Lattes to. A seasonal transition that Aussie indie-rock quartet Dear Seattle’s new album, 'Someday', nails.
Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Parkway Drive – Darker Still

Parkway Drive are one of the great modern metal bands. Growing from their metalcore roots to a classic metal style that incorporates everything from whistling to orchestras, they have certainly divided opinion - so does 'Darker Still' settle this?
Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Muse – Will of the People

While the 10 songs found on offer are great on a musical level, 'Will of the People' swiftly falls flat when you add the often absurd or repetitive lyrics into the mix, further confirming that, save for a few exceptions, Muse’s upwards streak ended in 2018.
Music Reviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Belphegor – The Devils

Longevity is a quality that is often overlooked. However, when you are a blackened death metal band lining up your twelfth studio album, it can hardly be ignore. Belphegor have been plying their dark favours now for virtually three decades and have yet to waiver from their extreme blueprint. Now, in 2022, the Austrian hellraisers are back with one of their finest outings to date with 'The Devils'.
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